Protest against Xi Jinping at Osaka G20


At the timing of G20 Osaka, we held the international protest actions against China in Osaka city.
The idea of these protest actions originated with me, and being the Vice President, I suggested it to Free Indo-Pacific Alliance, and we got to form the Executive Committee – Justice 20 Executive Committee
We had Ms. Rebiya Kadeer for our Advisor, Shobshuud Temtselt for President, and I, Hidetoshi Ishii, for Secretary General.
We were able to form a wide range of organization that consists of people from Tibet, Uyghur, Southern Mongolia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Vietnam, U.S, China – those who demand democracy, and Japan.

We’ve reported it on the website of Free Indo-Pacific Alliance as well:
Our press conference and protests against China at Osaka G20, June 28th

On our first day – the 28th, we held a press conference and a rally.

Press Conference


再生1,693回 · リアクション30件 | 【速報】香港独立派のアンディ・チャン氏、ウイグル・チベット・南モンゴル人らとともに街頭アピール。G20で来日中の習近平を批判。 | By 選報日本 Select Japan | Facebook

June 28th, 2019
