Active in his field for more than two decades, Ishii has a broad network of fellow activists and intellectuals, giving him a unique insight into the current state of Asian politics.
Many scholars and critics specialize in Asia, but no other expert in Japan seems to be as deeply involved in the field as you.
*Interview on Hidetoshi Ishii by Japan Forward, Aug 23, 2017.
Before concluding the visit, the SMHRIC delegation expressed its heartfelt appreciation for Mr. Hidetoshi Ishii, a national strategist, professional lobbyist, longtime human-rights defender and staunch advocate for national freedom for all oppressed nations. The delegation also showed sincere gratitude to his wife Ms. Yoko Ishii, an influential blogger and activist who spoke on behalf of the voiceless oppressed on multiple news and television programs, including the acclaimed “Sara Carter Show.”
“Not only did Mr. Ishii facilitate our interactions with Japanese Parliament members and other supporters during our visit,” said Mr. Enghebatu Togochog, Director of the SMHRIC, “but he has played a crucial role in bringing these issues to light and lobbying Japanese Parliament for the establishment of the Parliamentary Support Group for Southern Mongolia.”
*Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center (SMHRIC) Website, June 27, 2023
Hidetoshi Ishii (born in 1976) is a strategist from Fukuoka city, Japan.
He is an expert on ethnic minority issues of Asia, and he has a broad network in the world.
Ishii supports the independence of Tibet, Uyghur, Southern Mongolia, Hong Kong and Taiwan. And he supports people from captive nations by so-called Russian federation, and other nations/citizens that are suffering under oppression.
He is an author of “The coming collapse of Russia”.
Some call him a international human rights activist.
His best known mottos are “Freedom and independence for Asia” and “Japan should be the fortress of freedom in Asia.”
He started to be engaged in political activities during his studies in Kyushu University which he later graduated from.
After working in an economic organization, Ishii got officially approved as the candidate of the Party for Japanese Kokoro for House of Councilors election held in 2016.
In 2017, he ran for House of Representatives election as an official candidate of the Party of Hope.
In 2011, Ishii established the NPO “Yume Dai Asia (Dream – Greater Asia).” He’s been the president of the NPO ever since.
Starting in 2014, his NPO also caught everyone’s attention for publishing the magazine (Vol. 1-3), “Yume Dai Asia (Dream – Greater Asia),” which specializes on Asian matters.
What makes his career outstanding is that he became the vice president of FIPA (Free Indo-Pacific Alliance) in 2018. FIPA is an international organization against Chinese expansionism and human rights oppression which consists of Tibet, Uyghur, Southern Mongolia, Taiwan, India, Vietnam and Japan. He is cooperating with the Uyghur leader, Rebiya Kadeer, who became the president of FIPA. FIPA is attracting attention internationally.
In June, 2019, Ishii planned and organized the protest action, named J20, aimed against Xi Jinping, for which he served as the Secretary General of the Executive Committee he formed. This was held at the timing of Xi participating in Osaka G20. J20’s press conference, gathering and huge protest march caught the attention from the media both in and outside of the country.
J20’s actions in Osaka became the direct cause of Ishii being listed on the blacklist, “Hong Kong Leaks” which consists of 3,000 people which, according to AFP, was made by the involvement of the Chinese government. Ishii is the only Japanese on the list. Pro-China newspapers in Hong Kong have criticized him as “an activist maneuvering the independence of Tibet, Uyghur, Southern Mongolia, Hong Kong and Taiwan” which the Chinese authorities are most alert on.
In June 2023, the Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center (headquartered in New York) expressed its gratitude to him on its website, writing “Mr. Hidetoshi Ishii is a national strategist, professional lobbyist, longtime human-rights defender and staunch advocate for national freedom for all oppressed nations”.
In August 2023, at the 7th Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum held in the National Diet Building of Japan, he was presented with a letter of appreciation by the Forum’s founder, Oleg Magaretsky.
His wife, Yoko Ishii (Random Yoko), is known as a YouTuber and journalist, and is particularly strong in English, which she uses to her advantage in negotiations with foreign countries. She has appeared on FOX News, CNN, and other foreign media, as well as NHK and many others.
He is currently writing for well-known political magazines and internet media. He also visits various places, making public speeches of his specialties.
Here are the articles about Hidetoshi Ishii written in English.